It’s a special month in which various countries celebrate our beloved moms, although it is rare to hear people say «My mom also plays Tibia» we have witnessed many Tibians who are mothers and even grandmothers, whose names remain engraved in the depths of our hearts. Great women and mothers have trodden the Tibian lands:
Or GM Lady Rebel Rimule? (R.I.P)Tibian mothers and grandmothers who filled the community with humor, love and human warmth, turning many of us into their fans. We wanted to start by paying homage to two of the greatest. And it is because of Tibians like them that we want to highlight the commitment of these mothers who make Tibia part of their lives and we also collected some testimonials about what that special mixture of being a mother and being a Tibian means.
We asked three well-known «TibiaGirl moms» how do they balance their life as a mom with their Tibia life? And if Tibia would be an activity that they would share with their children and these were their answers:
Hi I’m Luna Bathory Hetfield from Quintera, I started playing in 2007 but I knew the game before as I actually started playing with another character in the beautiful times of Danera ❤️. Well, I’m a workholic but I also distributed my time firstly with my son, doing different activities and then I start playing, I don’t make Tibia my life even with decoration being my passion, but it’s important to give time to your kid.
Maybe in the future if he asked me I would help him play Tibia, why not? Although the Tibian community has become very toxic, the essence of the game is really there and for me that game has given me very good moments and I found friends that I would never have thought I would have.
Follow Sylvia in her socials:
Hi! My Tibia name is Luciita cand I started playing in 2017, June 26.
Being a mother and being a Tibian are two things that I love, I consider myself a very patient mom and I always try to define my priorities well in organizing my time to fulfill my responsibilities and of course it requires extra effort because being a mom is a full-time job, actually I just balanced being a Tibian in my role as a mother. The game doesn’t attract my children’s attention and apart from that, it’s better that they play something fun suitable for their age and that at the same time they learn and each one has their favorite activity.
Follow Luci in her socials:
My name is Assuna Hithh and I have been playing since approximately 2019. Between retirement and playing full 😡
I balance my life always putting my RL life as a priority and if I have 1 or 2 hours left a day, I also play those hours intermittently because I’m always getting up to do things in RL. I play about 3 or 4 days a week, about 2 hours each day doing things with people nearby, or with a team that takes care of me while I return hahahahaha.
Follow Assuna in her socials:
I have been playing Tibia since 2018, my character’s name is Miss Keki. To balance my life as a mother with being a Tibian, the support of my husband Mirius is very important because when I want to play or need to do something to relax, he takes care of our daughter. Also when she sleeps I grab that space to play and I try to manage my time well. As for teaching her the game, I think that I would only do it if she asked me to, the community tends to create an environment that they consider to be toxic for a child, so I don’t think it’s something that I teach her on my own.
Follow Keki in her socials:
Special thanks to each of the girls who took the time to collaborate with this article and a happy day to all the Tibian moms and Tibian mothers on their day. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram so you don’t miss any of the latest activities we do with our community.
Hail TG!